Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I Hate Coffee

I can never really understand coffee. I hate coffee. Well not hate it entirely. I hate the fact that it leaves a really bad after taste in your mouth as soon as you finish drink it. And I hate that when you drink too much of it your theeth turns yellow and you get a false sense of a rush from the caffeine until you start to crash in the mid-day. Don't get me wrong, coffee isn't all what it's cracked up to be but it's not that bad. I'll drink it (caffeine free) with a large amount of cream (milk), and sugar to kill off the taste. Freeze it up and you have ice cream. Blend it up with ice and heavy cream, and caffeine free expresso,and you have frappachino. I do admit frappachinos are to die for. Especially vanilla frappachinos with extra vanilla and a lot of whipped cream.

Hell, I can go for a coolatta right now.

Other than that - I Hate Coffee but I do love Frappachinos.

Monday, August 15, 2005


Okay, so I totally accept myself especally the part that is never considered sexy. Perplexed maybe, sinful in many ways, but sexy? No way Jose. I tried the sexy act and it attract noone. I look more goofy doing so. Don't get me wrong. I'm not downing myself in any way and not being contridicting either. I'm just telling the truth about a part of myself that I tried to become but always seem to fail at. Yeah, I'm funny, smart, cute, condecending, goofy, and articulate. Sexy? I rather just keep the sexy thing in my writings and drawings, especally drawings because of the whole alter ego thing. Truthfully in real life I will never be sexy. And I accept this to the fullest.