Friday, September 16, 2005

Smooth Criminal

Saturday 11:46pm

"Yeah I know. Those pearls would look good with my dress. I can't wait to get married." Annabeth Richardson lays in her queen size been covered in black satin sheets. She is going through some bridal magazines as she talks to her little sister Melissa on her wireless phone. Its been more than three years that her fiancee Vegas Diego purposed to her despite their ups and downs. From love to disgust to love then back to hate and love all over again "Annie" and Vegas was actually going to reconciled their differences and finally get married in the week ahead.
At the high sound of broken glass Annie immediately stopped talking in the middle of her conversation and sat very still in her bed. All was quite except for Melissa who was still babbling over the phone. Annie saw a shadow figure pass by her bed room door. She got out of bed slowly yet quietly with the phone tightly still in her hand.

"Melissa. Listen up." Annie slowly whipered as she backed herself against the bedroom wall. "Somebody broke into my apartment. "
"What? Please don't kid me Annie. " said Melissa "Now is not the time to get cold feet."
" 'Lissa there is a intruder in my apartment ." Annie whispered agian, this time with a hint of panic in her voice.
"Oh my God!! Annie don't go anywhere. Stay where you are. Lock the room door and stay on the phone. I am going straight to the guy next door to call the police. "

Ignoring her her sister's advice Annabeth tip-toed quietly into the kicthen. Slowly she walked to her silver refrigerator to retrieve her wooden bat that she had bought at a second hand store to protect herself from bad dates. She always kept it directly on top of the ' frige for safe keeping. This time the bat wasn't there.
" Annabeth are you there!!! Stay in your room! Do you here ME!!"
Before Annie could say anything to Melissa a tall shadowy figure was standing right behind her with her bat in it's hand. The intruder was a muscular shape man dressed in a white suit and hat that illuminated in the dark. It's face hands and anything skin covered in black lycra. Like a professional baseball player that knew how to hit a homerun The Man in White took a hard swing at Annie missing by inches her as she dashed away from the frige and gave a loud blood curdling scream that you only hear in horror movies.
" 'Lissa he saw me !!" Annie cried as she ran to the living room door " He has my bat!!! Melissa HELP ME!!! He's after me!!!"
With the cordless phone still in her hand Annie tried opening the living room door but the door wouldn't budge. It was locked from the inside. That's impossible since the door never acted in such a way for the five years that she resided in her apartment. She saw a object jammed from outside the doorway. The Man had trapped her in.

" Annie are you okay?? Talk to Me!! Are you okay Annie??" Melissa shouted over the phone.

Viewing the White figure coming towards her from the corner of her blue teary eyes Annie quickly got on her hands and knees to hide somewhere in the pitch black dark living room. There was no moon that night and the entire house except her bedroom was in complete darkness. Annie crawled under her wooden coffee table that sits nicely besides her plush pink couch. She sat very still and alert as she viewed the white suite walking around in the dark like a disturbing ghost or polterguise. Annie click off the phone in her hand and sat statue like under the table until a visible beam of light appeared from the right side of the intruder's hand. A flashlight. Oh No, Annie is doomed. The Man shined the flashlight side to side, up and down, until he spots her resembling a doomed mouse caught in a trap. And he is the cat.

One again the Man in White takes another swing of the bat at the coffee table. In the nick of time Annie got up from under the table and ran to her bedroom this time to do what her sister said in the beginning. To lock the room door and don't get out. Annie called Melissa as soon as she got to the threshold of her bedroom.

" Annie are you okay? Are you okay Annie??" Melissa cried with a lot of concern in her voice
" 'Lissa, I don't want to die." The very last words Melissa herd from Annabeth as a bat struck her down with a had blow to her head. Five more blows and a knife to the gut officially made Annie dead.
The sound was more than a thump. Melissa could only verify the sound of a blunt object hitting against a melon or coconut. The Man in White dragged the bloody corpse in the middle of the bed room making tracks on the off white carpet with his size 9 shoes. Before he left he hung up the phone and left a white card with two gold embedded in the middle on the corpes's body. Smooth Criminal.

Melissa took the phone from her ear and put it back on the receiver. It accrued to her that her big sister was dead. No more senseless bickering, no more pretty smiles, no wedding. For a good minute Melissa sat in her kicthen quietly as a thousand and one questions chimed in her head about Annabeth's unfortunate death. At the same time she can hear her heart beat. Semi-dry eyed and summersed with pain Melissa let out a blood curdling scream in the middle of her kicthen just like dead sister.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I was just thinking about the cartoon skunk Pepe Le Pew. What were the Wanner Bros. Thinking when they created such a characters? Beware of the French? They are seductive as well as convincing on the outside but from the inside out they stink? I always wonder what the Bugs Bunny cartoons repesented since the most of the creators were from Disney. Well Disney always sugar coated their characters and stories from the bluntly, bitter original stories. I mean, Pocahontas was 12 when John Smith walked on land (he was no Mel Gibson, the guy in real life was Fugly), Snow White never woke up from that kiss and to top it all off The prince NEVER did fall in love with Cinderella, only her dress.

So okay Disney was not so easy to work with. All in all with pissed off employees and that pretentious mind to rebel against the uneasy way of life should be. Amazing huh? In one little cartoon that says something political and unjust in a juvenile sort of way. From the Mafia, to political reference, racism and simply getting the girl was all a satire from independent thinkers that voiced their opinions in a whole other way. And from a different audience. Hey if adults can't get the whole idea that war is deadly as well as stupid, Daffy Duck is a black version of Donald, Little Red Riding Hood was never so awfully good, and that Bugs Bunny started out as a racist - then eventually kids are more likely to get a clue.

The Brother's Grimm ( hence the name Grimm) were stories to scare off kids and radicals and to manipulate people thinking just by a little bit of fear. Hans Christian Anderson was a sorry bisexual that end up dead at a ripe age and don't get me started on Nursery Rhymes. Ring around the Rosy wasn't exactly about roses.

So where am I getting? The hidden meaning in those cartoons. The repesntation of the characters and what was the writer\creator saying when those cartoons were made. Back then adults never did take anything animated from comic books to cartoons so seriously. Until now. Adults used to be kids and they know how powerful the media can be when it concerns children and stating an opinion. What to watch and what not to watch. It's a cycle that can make or break animators, cartoonist and writers all alike if not so careful on voicing thier opinions. And I find that very scary, even in the world of Disney.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Dumb celebrities

Why is it that America have this strange infactuation with Hollywood. I mean isn't being a celebrity as much as job as being lets say - a fireman. Well, not really. Being payed to pretend to be and act like a figment of some writer's sick imagination isn't all that bad. Just think of it. Getting payed millions of dollars to say one liners in action movies, notoriety, fame, hot cars, living in Malibu and getting cool connections in the industry. Yeah, living that glamorous, high profile, quick life seems dreamy but it isn't. Hollywood have it's dark side of course that makes being a celebrity seem like more of a curse then a blessing. Think of the lack of privatecy, poperazzi always in your face, drug, sex, stalkers, strange bedfellows and reletives coming out of the wood work, living up to a false image, Ect. This type of job can enlighten and relpuse you all at the same time and you have to think - is it the money or fame that can easily destroys you? It's the drawbacks that are a doozey.

Idon't know. Thank God I'm not famous. I do admit growing up with the mainstream of hearing about other people lives and scandals that are pulled do intreage me. I mean if somebody's life is more exciting, complicated and dangerous than yours then why not read the tabloids, gossip colums, and hearsay. Really I am not intrested in those celebrities tedious current affairs. Okay, Im lying. If I wasn't interested then I wouldn't bring up the topic.
They'er only human just like anyone else. Right. Hollywod isn't perfect and neither is the real world. To be a celebrity take guts and a really thick skin; even if it is for a lousey five to fifteen minutes of fame. Ha, good luck on that job.

Wait a minute - this just in. A hundred grand for a clear picture shot of Brittney Spears new baby? Grab the cell phone and the camera. I rather be a shutterbug and click for the thrill and quick cash then famous. Hurry Robin. To the BatMobile!!!!!