Why is it that America have this strange infactuation with Hollywood. I mean isn't being a celebrity as much as job as being lets say - a fireman. Well, not really. Being payed to pretend to be and act like a figment of some writer's sick imagination isn't all that bad. Just think of it. Getting payed millions of dollars to say one liners in action movies, notoriety, fame, hot cars, living in Malibu and getting cool connections in the industry. Yeah, living that glamorous, high profile, quick life seems dreamy but it isn't. Hollywood have it's dark side of course that makes being a celebrity seem like more of a curse then a blessing. Think of the lack of privatecy, poperazzi always in your face, drug, sex, stalkers, strange bedfellows and reletives coming out of the wood work, living up to a false image, Ect. This type of job can enlighten and relpuse you all at the same time and you have to think - is it the money or fame that can easily destroys you? It's the drawbacks that are a doozey.
Idon't know. Thank God I'm not famous. I do admit growing up with the mainstream of hearing about other people lives and scandals that are pulled do intreage me. I mean if somebody's life is more exciting, complicated and dangerous than yours then why not read the tabloids, gossip colums, and hearsay. Really I am not intrested in those celebrities tedious current affairs. Okay, Im lying. If I wasn't interested then I wouldn't bring up the topic.
They'er only human just like anyone else. Right. Hollywod isn't perfect and neither is the real world. To be a celebrity take guts and a really thick skin; even if it is for a lousey five to fifteen minutes of fame. Ha, good luck on that job.
Wait a minute - this just in. A hundred grand for a clear picture shot of Brittney Spears new baby? Grab the cell phone and the camera. I rather be a shutterbug and click for the thrill and quick cash then famous. Hurry Robin. To the BatMobile!!!!!
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