Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I was just thinking about the cartoon skunk Pepe Le Pew. What were the Wanner Bros. Thinking when they created such a characters? Beware of the French? They are seductive as well as convincing on the outside but from the inside out they stink? I always wonder what the Bugs Bunny cartoons repesented since the most of the creators were from Disney. Well Disney always sugar coated their characters and stories from the bluntly, bitter original stories. I mean, Pocahontas was 12 when John Smith walked on land (he was no Mel Gibson, the guy in real life was Fugly), Snow White never woke up from that kiss and to top it all off The prince NEVER did fall in love with Cinderella, only her dress.

So okay Disney was not so easy to work with. All in all with pissed off employees and that pretentious mind to rebel against the uneasy way of life should be. Amazing huh? In one little cartoon that says something political and unjust in a juvenile sort of way. From the Mafia, to political reference, racism and simply getting the girl was all a satire from independent thinkers that voiced their opinions in a whole other way. And from a different audience. Hey if adults can't get the whole idea that war is deadly as well as stupid, Daffy Duck is a black version of Donald, Little Red Riding Hood was never so awfully good, and that Bugs Bunny started out as a racist - then eventually kids are more likely to get a clue.

The Brother's Grimm ( hence the name Grimm) were stories to scare off kids and radicals and to manipulate people thinking just by a little bit of fear. Hans Christian Anderson was a sorry bisexual that end up dead at a ripe age and don't get me started on Nursery Rhymes. Ring around the Rosy wasn't exactly about roses.

So where am I getting? The hidden meaning in those cartoons. The repesntation of the characters and what was the writer\creator saying when those cartoons were made. Back then adults never did take anything animated from comic books to cartoons so seriously. Until now. Adults used to be kids and they know how powerful the media can be when it concerns children and stating an opinion. What to watch and what not to watch. It's a cycle that can make or break animators, cartoonist and writers all alike if not so careful on voicing thier opinions. And I find that very scary, even in the world of Disney.

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