Saturday, July 22, 2006

4 o' clock in the Apple Store

It's 4 something in the morning and I am creating a post (soliciting at will) here in the Apple store on 60th street and 5th. Truthfully it's pretty much trippy because I can just check my e-mails and be pretty much left alone. Not bad. Yes I have to get up eight o' clock in the morning to catch the van that takes me to work but me wasting time here is really doing me absolutely no good. Do I care?? Well, I'm still standing here at the computer typing this shit out. Trippy. I can go for a Mac Donalds Iced coffee right now. This experience should - who am I kidding??? I need a damn computer so I can write my blogs at home ( whatever I call home. )

Until then - a nicely, well lit, air conditioned, computer store, that is opened 24/7 will eventually have to do.


I need sleep damn it. Im outta here.

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