Monday, July 24, 2006

Standing on your head.

Ever wonder what this world might look upside down instead of right side up?? I mean just stand on top of your head and see the world in a whole diffrent way. Question everything and everyone that comes your way like a seven years old questioning it's parents.Switch shoes around, put situations in a rediculous matter and laugh at it "what if" dumbness. Go a head - stand on top of your head and look at others in a diffrent light and realize that nothing is at all what it seems. Pictures are no longer pretty, stars never shine that compeletly bright,food that you once enjoyed never did taste that great,and people who you think you know well you never really did know any better. Everything that people make a big deal of is really not much of a big deal and anything that seem like a life and death situtation is really not much of a shoulder shrug.

So after a good while of standing on top of your head and seeing this world for what it really is then it is okay to stand right back up and go normal. Hmmm....normal.Something you must ask yourself after the blood rushes back to your pretty head and you puke a good one.

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